Happily, I have finally received definitive word from Warner Brothers: The sets are not being discontinued at all. They're not even in short supply. There are currently over 1,000 units of each set sitting in Warner's storage--and yes, that includes the hard-to-find Two Towers. All the "discontinued" nonsense stems from communication issues and retailers who haven't ordered enough product to meet demands. It is not a supply issue. The sets exist and are available for retailers. So the next time your favorite online seller tells you they can't get the set, tell them to check again with Warner. The sets are there and ready to go!
Why Warner doesn't sell more of them through their own online shop I'm not sure. But I'm just happy to know that the sets haven't gone the way of the dodo. I will update when Amazon has everything back in stock. I am hopeful that it won't be long now.
The updates in book world are perhaps less dramatic, but just as exciting. The past few weeks have been dedicated almost solely to the business end of this creative project--which probably sounds dull as dust, but I'm so happy to see the conceptual move into the world of the practical. The publisher has now begun assembling budgets, contracts and royalties, etc. Worldwide distribution is in place, and we're aiming to officially begin the layout work in March/April. Much of the look of the mock-up will be maintained, but again it'll be incredible to see my unrefined temporary concepts improved and materialized in the world.
The publisher is also working hand-in-hand with Warner so that the book and Master Box schedules can be coordinated. This is a very detailed process--each project's production timeline has a huge impact on the other's. And the Master Box packaging will be entirely new--something more than a just slipcase for the CRs--so of course, that involves even more design and production work. I sometimes feel guilty about how much work I'm creating for unsuspecting parties!
The fantastic news, however, is that everything seems to be locking together perfectly. Right now we absolutely expect to have product available at next October's Radio City event. I always knew that it would be a bit of a push, but all involved have stepped up to the challenge. Let me tell you, these are great teams! In fact nothing--NOTHING--that I've suggested has yet met with corporate or creative resistance. That's staggering considering the scope of these projects.
I will probably be back in NY late in February to finish filming what Howard and I are now referring to as the Fireside Chats, better known to you as the Rarities commentaries.
And speaking of the Radio City, the proposals for the secondary events surrounding October's performances have begun to come in. I can't think of a better way for you to all meet one another in person... and of course for me to meet you all as well! Oh yeah, and Howard should be there too. ;) I've also just heard that certain NY hotels are, in fact, planning to offer special packages to those attending the Radio City concerts. No details yet--they'll be a ways off yet--but I'll let you know as soon as things are set.
I suppose that the downside of all this is that my schedule is getting crazier and crazier. I'm still trying to iron out the details of my Lucerne appearance. I hope to have that all straightened out in the coming days, so I won't say anything specific until I know what's happening. London's looking like a possibility as well. I love the UK, and I know the blog has a lot of readers there. Again, watch for updates as I get everything figured out. The good news is, no matter what happens with me, Shore will still be at these events to talk about his amazing music.
I wonder now just how nutty the schedule will get once the book is actually out...
That's a lot of pokers in the fire! And Just remember, the surprises Haven't run out yet. Still plenty more to announce as time passes. See you on the discussion boards!