
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Better World Books

In order to call attention to a minor blog redesign, I thought I'd re-post a short but flattering reader review posted semi recently on Better World Books:

For serious fans of Shore's LotR music score. Five stars aren't enough for this book ~ I give it a galaxy of stars. Without doubt the best book I've added to my Tolkien library this year, maybe ever.
Under the slipcover, the book is bound in a black cloth cover with the elvish ring inscription embossed in gold. It's basically divided into two parts: Description of the major themes with musical examples, then a mavelously descriptive annotation of the scores for each of the three films. The rarities CD included in the back is filled with musical gems that have never before been released. I particularly loved the Shire/The Hobbits mock-up on the Synclavier and the sweetly poignant Frodo's Song that had originally been intended to be the last song of Return of the King until it was replaced by Into The West.
Love love love love this book. I plan to spend many happy months poring over it with the Complete Recordings sounding in my ears. Did I mention it's also laden with movie photos and sketches by Alan Lee?
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